Chiropractic and Vertigo

Woman experiencing vertigo

Chiropractic Treatment May Relieve Your Vertigo

It's hard to focus on anything when the room feels as if it's constantly spinning due to vertigo. The condition affects nearly 40 percent of us at some point in our lives, according to University of California San Francisco Health. If vertigo has disrupted your life, chiropractic treatment may offer the relief you desperately need.

When You Can't Get Off the Merry-Go-Round

Vertigo can make you feel as if you're on an amusement park ride that never ends. In addition to the spinning sensation, you may also experience dizziness, nausea, vomiting, difficulty walking and speaking, headaches, sweating, and jerky eye movements.

Medications can stop or reduce nausea and vomiting and help you feel less dizzy, but your symptoms may return if you stop taking the medication. Chiropractic treatment targets the source of your problem without the use of medication.

Common Causes of Vertigo

Vertigo can be caused by:

  • Injuries. You may first notice vertigo after a head or neck injury.
  • Misalignments and Dislocations. Vertigo may be more likely to occur if your spine isn't aligned properly or your vertebrae are dislocated.
  • Inner Ear Problems. Your inner ear plays an important role in balance. Infections and conditions that affect the inner ear can be the cause of vertigo.
  • Meniere's Disease. The disease causes vertigo, ringing in your ears and hearing loss.
  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). BPPV can be caused by aging or head trauma and occurs when calcium carbonate crystals in the inner ear become dislodged and enter the semicircular canals deep inside your ears. The crystals interfere with the normal movement of fluid in the canals, triggering vertigo symptoms.
  • Your Habits. Vertigo can sometimes occur if your diet is unhealthy or you consume or use caffeine, alcohol or other substances that affect the nervous system.

A Visit to the Chiropractor Can Improve Your Symptoms

Chiropractors offer several treatments that may relieve your vertigo. If you've injured your neck or head or have a spinal misalignment, a chiropractic adjustment may ease your symptoms. During the adjustment, your doctor uses his hands or a small instrument to gently realign your spine. If the joints in your neck don't move properly, your brain may misinterpret the information it receives from your body. Adjustments can improve movement in joints and reduce vertigo.

Results of a feasibility study published by the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine confirmed that spinal adjustments can be helpful in treating vertigo symptoms. After chiropractic treatment for 13 months, most subjects noticed improved balance. Less dizziness and neck pain were also reported.

You may benefit from the Epley maneuver if BPPV is the cause of your vertigo. The maneuver is designed to re-position the crystals in your inner ears. Your chiropractor moves your body through a series of quick position changes that take advantage of the effects of gravity to restore normal crystal position. You may also be taught a few exercises you can do at home that will reduce vertigo.

If your chiropractor believes that diet or stress may cause or contribute to your condition, he or she can offer healthy eating tips or recommend a few helpful stress-relief techniques and activities.

Do you suffer from vertigo? Chiropractic care offers a natural solution for your condition. Contact us to schedule an appointment.


Journal of Chiropractic Medicine: Effects of Chiropractic Care on Dizziness, Neck Pain, and Balance: A Single-Group, Preexperimental, Feasibility Study, 12/09

Medical News Today: What’s to Know About the Epley Maneuver, 8/30/17


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